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How to Stop Cats From Scratching Furniture

How to Cat-Proof Your Home Without Losing Your Mind

As any cat owner knows, our feline friends love to scratch. They scratch furniture, they scratch carpets, they scratch's their way of marking their territory and keeping their claws sharp. While we love our cats, we don't always love the damage they can do to our homes. So, what's a cat owner to do?

Here are a few tips for protecting your home from those pesky scratches without losing your mind (or your cat):

Invest in a scratching post: Scratching posts come in all shapes and sizes, so you're sure to find one that your cat will love. Plus, it's much cheaper to replace a scratching post than it is to replace an entire piece of furniture. Win-win!

Trim your cat's nails regularly: This one is a no-brainer. The less sharp your cat's claws are, the less damage they'll do to your things. You can do this yourself at home or take them to the vet or groomer for a professional trim 

Use double-sided tape or Sticky Paws: If you've tried everything and your cat just won't stay off the furniture, you can always resort to some creative solutions like double-sided tape or Sticky Paws. Just be warned that some kitties are smart enough to figure out how to remove the tape or Paws, so you may need to reapply frequently 


If you have a cat, chances are you've dealt with scratched furniture at some point (or all points) in time. While it may seem like an impossible task to keep your cat from destroying your home, there are actually quite a few things you can do to protect your belongings. From investing in a scratching post to using double-sided tape, there are plenty of ways to keep those pesky scratches at bay—without losing your cool. Experiment with different solutions until you find one that works for both you and your fur baby.


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